The Clone Wars lasted well over three years, which is more than enough time for a crap ton of shenanigans to ensue.
The Clone Wars lasted well over three years, which is more than enough time for a crap ton of shenanigans to ensue.
2021 Advent Calendar: The Clone Wars
Now that Taemin has been promoted to a Jedi Knight, Yoda felt he could benefit from training a padawan of his own. He is assigned Yansi Tano, a very excitable and curious young Togruta.

As Jedi General of the 501st legion, Taemin is actually doing a pretty good job of taking the lead. He has taken his team to victory against separatist encounters multiple times. However, he still sometimes lets a little blunder slip through here and there. We believe this photo was supposed to be sent to a certain senator…

Did you think SpiderBork was the only incarnation of Taemin to have a bird problem? Guess not!

Keeping the separatists in check means traveling to various other systems in the galaxy. This also means going through the occasional crash. Especially if you have Taemin as the pilot. Better listen to Gilroy on this, he has years of experience.

Yoda oversees the training for the younglings. He invites Jedi knights to hold little talks and demonstrations. Unfortunately, Taemin was the only one available at that time.

- AU Series:
- Category:Mini Comic
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Heyoo! I'm Mari - I love to draw, and I also do photography and web coding, but mostly I just make [failed] homemade ice cream.