A bit of info on the extremely energetic and excitable Padawan of Taemin Skywalker
A bit of info on the extremely energetic and excitable Padawan of Taemin Skywalker
Padawan: Yansi Tano
Taemin’s beloved Padawan is played by Yansi Verano!
Like her Jedi Master, she is unpredictable, rebellious, and a bit on the whiny side. Their relationship can be likened to that of brother and sister. She learns a lot from him, from combat strategies to fighter tricks – although unconventional, she loves every bit of his teachings.

It’s honestly a really good thing that she’s always with him on most missions. She’s saved his reckless ass thousands of times already. Is she actually the student, or the babysitter?

But of course, despite their many arguments and teasing, Yansi would never leave him behind and would always have his back.

- AU Series:
- Category:Sketchbook
- Cast:
Heyoo! I'm Mari - I love to draw, and I also do photography and web coding, but mostly I just make [failed] homemade ice cream.