The Daydreamer
- Hailey ClaireFirst N.
- ReidLast N.
- 20 y/o.Age
- Apr 14B-Day
- Height: 167 cm
- Style: Subtle Chic
- Companions: 2-5 Opossums
- Cologne: Sweet Peaches
- She loves Opossums. She helps out at a local wildlife rehab and fosters for them.
- Hailey has a lot of models/celebs she is crushing on at a time. However, she has certain... favorites. *bork*
- She dreams of being able to attend a runway show someday, maybe even check out what happens behind-the-scenes!
Soft-spoken and kind with a love for all things pastel and romantic, Hailey is a pretty shy individual who generally keeps to herself. While she easily gets excited by a lot of things, she usually only share it with close friends. However, she never turns her back on anybody who needs her help. She is a good person, but can be quite a bit of a doormat, mostly having a hard time saying “No”.
She works part-time as a barista at a local coffee shop near her university. When not serving up coffee, she’s found doing DIY crafts at home. Hailey runs a small online business, selling her homemade items with packaging she made and designed herself. Her catalog includes soaps, fizzers, body scrubs, candles, and more — all of which have cute and unique designs and gimmicks. Being a chemistry major, she also experiments a lot with the ingredients and mixtures, while making sure her products are eco-friendly, sustainable, effective, and safe. There’s a lot of love and care that goes into everything she makes!
“Hi! Would you like samples of my latest mini soap collection?“
Cute Soaps
Fashion Magazines
Rude Customers
Overpowering Fragrances
Being in the Spotlight